Words Instead of Agreement

What do you mean by Concords? One. The correspondences of words to be given, in certain specific cases accidents or qualities: as in a number, a person, a case or a sex. — John Brinsley, The Posing of the Parts, 1612 In law, consent is used specifically for the voluntary agreement or tolerance of an adult who is not under duress or coercion and who usually has knowledge or understanding. “Age of majority” means “age of consent”, which is the age at which a person is legally considered authorized to give consent. Eighteen is the standard age of consent in the United States. “Agreement.” Merriam-Webster.com thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/agreement. Retrieved 27 November 2020. This meaning fell into obsolescence at the end of the 17th century; A different feeling from the 14th century agreement. == References ===== External links ===* Official website It was not until the 16th century that the market was used as a word for what is acquired by such an agreement through negotiation, haggling, thickening. by haggling.

During the 17th century, the cartel referred to a written agreement between the belligerent nations, especially for the treatment and exchange of prisoners. This use is illustrated by Bishop Gilbert Burnet in his history of his time (1734): “Thanks to a cartel established between the two armies, all prisoners were to be redeemed at a fixed price and within a limited time.” I agree with a lot of things. I heard Nancy Pelosi say she didn`t want to leave until we had a deal. informally in agreement or able to cooperate easily It is the eternal agreement, but an agreement whose terms we have difficulty accepting. Since the beginning of the 14th century, the alliance has been used for various types of “binding” agreements or alliances, such as. B “the ribbons of holy marriage”. Later, this meaning was generalized to any “binding” element or force such as “bonds of friendship.” In 16th century law, it became the name of an act or other legal instrument that “obliges” a person to pay a sum of money due or promised. “I thought we had already reached an agreement,” Simpson said with some warmth. Irreconcilable opinions, goals or disagreements are so opposed that it is impossible to reach an agreement Students know composition as the name of a short essay (the assembly of words and sentences); Philharmonic enthusiasts know it as the name of a long and complex piece of music (the arrangement of musical sounds); Historians and jurists know it as a term for a mutual agreement or agreement, such as a contract or compromise (reconciliation and dispute settlement). And on his way out, he filled out the letter of their agreement. When a group, organization, or country is divided, there are big disagreements between people about how to agree (“I agree with the assessment”), which implies agreement.

The verb comes from the Latin concurrerere, which means “to gather in haste, to collide, to exist simultaneously, to be in agreement”, and the noun – agreement – is derived from the Latin concurrentia, “to assemble, to appear simultaneously”. The use of the match coincides with that of its Latin ancestor. In addition, the agreement has the broad meaning “agreement in action or opinion”. As a verb, compromise means giving up something you want in order to reach a mutual agreement (“The union and the employer have agreed on a compromise”). Another meaning is to “denounce mistrust, discredit or misdeeds,” as in “The actor`s career was compromised by his politically incorrect tweets” or “The editor would not compromise his principles.” And as mentioned above, it can mean that someone or something is exposed to risk, endangerment, or serious consequences. Confidential information, national security or the immune system could be called a “compromise”. The French word is derived from the Latin compromissum, itself related to pastspartizip compromittere (promittere means “promise”). In English, compromit was once used as a synonym for the verb compromised in its outdated sense “to bind by mutual agreement” and in its modern sense “to cause the deterioration of”. Accord appears in Old English with the meaning “reconcile” or “reconcile”, borrowed from his Anglo-French acorder Etymon, a word related to the Latin concordāre meaning “to agree”. This original sense of agreement is transitive, and in modern English it still occurs, but rarely. Its transitive meaning of “giving or giving as appropriate, due or deserved” – as in “Teacher`s students pay tribute” – is more frequently encountered. Since the 1500s, compact has been used in English to refer to an agreement or pact between two or more parties.

It derives from the Latin compactum (“chord”), a name that compactus, the earlier participle of compacisci (“to make an agreement”), which combines the prefix com- (“with, together”) with pacisci (“accept or tolerate”). Pascisci is also the source of the pact, an earlier synonym for compact. WE tried to make plans, but we couldn`t agree. But the confident tone did not provide an answer to Mary`s approval. He advised her to be conscientious and ask for a copy of the agreement. Bargain, as a noun and verb, was exchanged into English in the 14th century. We know that it evolved from the Anglo-French bargaigner, which means “bargaining”, but its history afterwards is unclear. The first known use is that of a name, which refers to a discussion between two parties about the terms of the agreement. By agreement all parties met in the Indian Spring in early February 1825 to consider a second treaty. The good news is that California struck a deal with the U.S. Forest Service in August to scale up those efforts, with the goal of treating one million acres a year over the next two decades.

What prompted you to seek an agreement? Please let us know where you read or heard it (including the quote if possible). Concordat is a French word for a formal agreement between two or more parties. It is synonymous with words like pact and covenant, but in the 17th century it was established as the official name of an agreement between church and state to regulate ecclesiastical affairs. A historic concordat was concluded in 1801 between Napoleon Bonaparte as first consul and Pope Pius VII. It defined the status of the Roman Catholic Church in France and regulated the relations between church and state. Such an agreement currently exists for pandemic influenza, Phelan notes, but not for any other type of disease or vaccine. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article on concordance The word covenant is often associated with the Christian and Jewish religions. In the Old Testament, it refers to agreements or treaties concluded between peoples or nations, but especially to promises that God has granted to mankind (for example. B the promise to Noah never again to destroy the earth by the flood, or the promise to Abraham that his descendants would multiply and inherit the land of Israel). God`s revelation of the law to Moses on Mount Sinai created a pact between God and Israel known as the Sinai Covenant. The law was inscribed on two tablets and, in biblical times, housed in a gilded wooden chest known as the Ark of the Covenant.

In secular law, the covenant is used to refer to an official agreement or covenant (“an international covenant on human rights”). .